Any company that meets the following eligibility criteria may join the DEN as an Active Member Company (AMC):
A company belonging to a visible minority registered in Canada and having its head office in Canada
Sponsor(s) are Canadian citizen or permanent resident
Pays the annual membership fee
Affiliated Member Company (AFMC)
Can be certified as an Affiliated Member Company (AFMC) any company that meets the following eligibility criteria:
Be an Active Member Company (AMC) for at least one fiscal year.
Be a company with at least one of the following: two (2) years of financial reporting or 2 years of financial snapshot or two years of sales or revenues data
Be a company that demonstrates best practices in ethics, good governance and competitiveness in the marketplace
Pays the annual membership fee
Temporary Member Company (TMC)
Can be certified as an Affiliated Member Company (AFMC) any company that meets the following eligibility criteria:
Be an Active Member Company (AMC) for at least one fiscal year.
Be a company with at least one of the following: two (2) years of financial reporting or 2 years of financial snapshot or two years of sales or revenues data
Be a company that demonstrates best practices in ethics, good governance and competitiveness in the marketplace